Four reasons why SaaS is a better bet than on-premise platforms

Software as a Service (SaaS) is an increasingly popular solution for companies. But what exactly is SaaS? It’s an alternative to the traditional on-premise software model, where users have to have servers, install the app, configure it, and implement ongoing maintenance.

With SaaS, apps are hosted on a secure cloud network, which is accessed through the web or an API (Application Programming Interface), and works as a rental plan your organization pays for the service it uses.

Some examples include:

  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • Office 365 
  • Surprise! WhatsApp’s API too (here we explain how to integrate it to your business and get the best out of it through c-commerce)

And the advantages are:

Easy access.

Users have easy access to SaaS apps from any device with an Internet connection, which is good for both staff and clients.

No hefty investment.

Pricing is flexible, and upgrade and maintenance costs are lower compared to on-premise solutions. Another important aspect is you don’t need to invest in IT staff since a good vendor will guarantee data security.

Time saver.

Your company can start using SaaS apps straight away, worrying not about installation and configuration, let alone software development.

Meeting needs.

SaaS solutions are easily scalable, both upwards if your business grows, and downwards to avoid wasting of resources.

As you can see, SaaS is a profitable option when used for c-commerce since it allows you to connect with clients in a quick and simple way, at a low cost. It is worth noting that, through assisted sales, the conversion rate of users with purchase intention in WhatsApp is between 8% and 10%, against 1% in e-commerce that doesn’t accompany customers.

And so, combining the benefits of SaaS and conversational commerce will enable you to be closer to clients, serving them in apps they already use and prefer.

To embark on this adventure, contact us now and we can work together towards this goal.

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