
Grow sales with data driven insights

Gain a holistic view of your customer and optimize engagement and sales with conversational analytics.
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Easy-to-use dashboards

Analyze the customer journey with the easy-to-use dashboards and reports.

Omnichannel data integration

Integrate conversational data with data from your other channels to get a 360° view of your customer.

Yalo Dashboards

A self service easy to use platform to build and define end user buying experience.

Conversational Analytics

Summarize your overall channel performance and measure customers’ engagement and reactions to marketing campaigns.

B2B Specific Analytics

Leverage on Yalo’s proven practices and analyze whats specific to your industry, like store adoption, ticket size, topline insurance, among others.

Custom Analytics

Build customized reports collecting and combining data from different sources and reports, building custom reports to fit your needs.

Grow your sales with Yalo

The only native solution for B2B Conversational Commerce. Built to handle enterprise complexity and scale. Focused on driving ROI.
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